Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Being a successful teacher...

I believe that being a successful teacher is primarily a matter of devotion to your students and a passion for the arts. Once students see that your primary goal is to share your knowledge of art in a way that allows them personal expression they will begin forming that close personal student/teacher bond that will allow them to grow as artists. Students need a teacher they can trust and can talk to, whether they are excited about something or simply just need the attention of a caring adult. Many times students just want to tell you about their day or what is going on at their house and taking the time to listen to what they are saying will allow the student to trust you even more. To be a teacher means to be a surrogate parent to your students during the time they spend in your classroom. This means that they need just as much attention, discipline and love as you can offer them. In my time student teaching I have found that patience and hugs are the best things I can give my students to help them have a good day.

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