Monday, May 2, 2011

Student Teaching Experience Reflection

My student teaching experience has changed drastically from my first day at my high school placement to the last few days at my elementary placement. I think beginning with my secondary placement was a little difficult just because I hadn't gotten comfortable in my position as an authority figure. But as the weeks went by I began to get used to directing a class and the routine of the school day. By the end of my secondary placement I began to feel even more like a teacher and my interactions with students helped me form my teaching style, which was something I hadn't had to think about before student teaching. I also had to consider my hierarchy of discipline, particularly in my secondary placement, which was something I really had to sit down and think about. I guess I hadn't realized how rigid I needed to be with my levels of discipline and this is probably what I've thought most about during both placements. My hierarchy of discipline was a bit easier in elementary, mostly because it is easier to guide younger students who misbehave than older students. I have however gotten some great ideas for discipline as well as was to prevent misbehavior and encourage postive interactions between myself and other students.
Most of all I gained a better understanding of who I am as a teacher. I already knew I wanted to be kind and caring towards my students, but I needed a clearer idea of who I was going to be infront of my students in regards to commanding attention and encouraging creative/artistic thoughts amongst them. Learning the right things to say to explain concepts and techniques was something I had to be concious of and consistent with everytime I taught the same lesson to another class. I knew that by the end of student teaching I would be tired and exhausted but I hadn't expected to feel as comfortable as I do now in my teacher role. Getting up in front of a group of students, no matter what age, always made me a bit self-concious. After having to get up infront of students when I was nervous, sick or tired, day after day seemed to lessen the anxiety I felt when doing that.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds that your student teaching experiences have really benefited your outlook on classroom management. I wish you all the best in your future teaching endeavors!
