Sunday, February 27, 2011

E-portfolio-standard G

Assessment in art education can be slippery. Some of the lines can be fuzzy when it comes to grading projects that deal largely with student expression and opinion. I think grading art projects should be broken down into multiple parts, one being the technique and understanding the medium, but also the meaning or inspiration behind the project itself.
When I first started deciding on assessment I used to identify criteria the student needed to accomplish in order to receive credit for their assignment. But I found that many of my points were for merely turning in parts of a project and I felt that didn't force me to really assess what my students had done. One of my cooperating teachers has a more simplified rubric that I have now began using and it breaks the assessment into 4 parts: Instruction and Concepts, Craftsmanship/Skill, Creativity/ Originality, Behavior/Effort. I think this gives students a chance to see where their points were given or taken away, and is a reminder to students with behavioral issues that they will get points docked if they are not working on their projects or are behaving poorly.

Instruction and Concepts

The project is planned carefully; understanding of all concepts and instructions is clearly demonstrated

The project is planned carefully; understanding of most concepts and instructions is demonstrated

The project is planned adequately; understanding of some concepts and instructions is demonstrated

The project shows little evidence of understanding the concepts and instructions

The project shows no understanding of the concepts and instructions

Creativity/ Originality

The project demonstrates original personal expression and outstanding problem solving skills.

The project demonstrates some personal expression and logical problem solving skills

The project demonstrates an average amount of personal expression.

The project demonstrates little personal expression and problem solving skills. Drawing seems rushed

The project lacks evidence of personal expression. Drawing was rushed and sloppy

Behavior/ Effort

The student put forth extraordinary effort to complete the project as best they can; used class time extremely well

The student put forth the effort required to complete the project well; used class time well

The student put for the effort required to finish the project; used some class time adequately

The student put forth little effort required to finish the project; class time was not used well

The student put forth no effort or the project was not completed; class time was not used well

Total Points


Full points





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