Monday, March 29, 2010

27 a. James Van der Zee

American Legioneer, District of Columbia, 1937
This is a James Van Der Zee photograph depicting a decorated soldier, and perhaps it is an image of a relative who was also in the service that he is looking at in the photograph. This image conveys pride for the man who serves for a cause he believes in. When you look at the photograph the viewer sees the positive side of war; pride, fighting for a cause and striving for peace.
Boy with a Toy Grenade (1962).
This image by Diane Arbus shows the dirty, corrupt side of war. This young boy at first glance looks goofy and innocent, but only after you look more closely, you see he is holding a grenade. War might be fought to bring peace, but the people it affects may be too young to understand the gravity of what war really means.


  1. I always forget about the Arbus photograph - that's a perfect example!

  2. You chose very interesting photographs. The kid almost looks like a concentration camp person. The background of that photo almost looks happy too. There's something creepy about the lighting in it.
