Monday, February 1, 2010

Fourth Blog

Whew, its good to have my computer back. I had to reinstall my OS and I didn't have a computer for a week, so its nice to be sitting in front of my own computer again. Let the blogging begin...
It is strange to think about myself as a high school-er compared to myself now. I felt just as strongly then about things as I do now. The only difference between 18 and 24 is that now I realize I don't have everything figured out. At 18 I thought I knew what I wanted and what I thought was right, but the older version of myself realizes I'm just beginning to figure out what life is about. My identity has always more or less been the same. Short, blonde, goofy, dorky, creative, driven, etc. My identity hasn't changed, just the circumstances I'm surrounded by change. My artwork has grown with each new skill set I've acquired and although I still struggle to create new pieces of artwork, my ability to tap into my creativity has gotten stronger. As I have learned more about art through college and seeing other artists work I have gotten a better understanding of how to productive creatively. I try to grab a pen and paper as soon as possible now to try to and keep my ideas fresh so I can tap into them when I want to create a project I feel passionate about.
Artistic Self
3 a. Self Identification Personal
The thing that makes me feel guilty is loving and buying expensive clothes (I'm addicted to Juicy Couture). Actually making artwork I am proud of makes me feel worthy of being called an artist. People being completely honest make me laugh. Being late embarrasses me. My mother infuriates me. Driving fast thrills me. Playing outside on a warm day comforts me. Remembering my kitty makes me sad.

3 b. Self Identification Personality
The concept of peace is very important to me, and not just the hippie "peace, man" meaning of the word peace. To me it is a state of mind I would love to have one day, but as of today I am learning to become a peaceful person. All of the colors used to represent me and this concept should be strong and bold. All colors on the spectrum can be included for this idea.

3 c. Self Identification Transpersonal.
The object that conveys my most interesting public trait would be my identity of photographer. It has been a while since I have done true work as a photographer, but I always have my hand in it somehow. I think it will always be a part of my identity even as I become a teacher because photography was the first thing I fell in love with.


  1. Enjoyed your blog! How funny my computer just took a dive too, I am yet to figure out what is wrong with it. I am also currently working on a piece about peace - in that same sense of the overal concept of peace and finding a peace within one's self.

  2. I like that you said not 'only the' hippie "peace man," instead of 'the.' I like that a lot actually.

  3. One more thing... don't drive fast and be patient with your Mom!
